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Eau Lustral / Lustrale
Eau Lustral (also called Eau Lustrale) was a very popular Hair Restorative which was put up by many Perfumers. It was one of those preparations like Bear's Oil and Macassar Oil, which were being widely sold by Perfumers before the days of Trademarks on brand names.

Known Proprietors:

  Benjamin Atwood
  Xavier Bazin
  Jules Jauel

I think Guerlain of Paris was the originator of the preparation, and many of the others started out selling it for him before the decided to call it their own. Bottle picture on the #1 courtesy of Daniel Lakatos.

Cristiani offered the following recipe for Eau Lustral. I'm sure it was one of many.
(1) Mix 1 pint of castor oil with 2 ounces of linseed oil, and dissolve both in 6 1/2 pints of 95% alcohol by agitation. Add 2 ounces of tincture of cantharides, 1 ounce of oil of bergamot, 1/2 ounce of oil of lemon, 1/4 ounce of oil of cloves, and 1 drachm of oil of neroli. Color the preparation red with tincture of archil.

1 Round, 6 1/2", Flared Lip, no panels, O.P., aqua, no embossing