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Joseph & Sarah Bustill
Joseph C. & Sarah H. Bustill were in the Hair Goods business in Philadelphia in from 1866 through 1873. Their business was located at 403 South 6th Street. They last reference to them I found was in 1874, and only Joseph was listed. They ran an ad in 1868 for all their products which included the text below.

Manufacturers of Bustill's Celebrated Nerolian Hair Tonic: a splendid preparation for dressing and beautifying the hair, Bustill's Compound Eradicator: for shampooing, removing dandruff, tetter, ringworms, etc., Bustill's American Hair Grower: a vegetable preparation, harmless in character, but unequalled in desirable effects by any preparation heretofore offered for promoting the growth, preventing the falling off, and rendering the hair soft, brilliant, and luxurious.

  Bustill's Nerolian Hair Tonic
  Bustill's American Hair Grower
  Bustill's Compound Eradicator