(719) 225-5357

On the back cover of the 1914 Anderson Indiana Directory, there was an advertisement (transcribed below) for this product. The business selling it was the Cooperative Ton-ic-ine Co.: T.J. Nichol President, J.C. McMann V.P., and L.C. Lambert Sec-Treasurer. They were at 250 Union Building, and only in business for a few years.
A beautiful and luxurious head of hair is the birthright of everyone. If you haven't this, then make up your mind that dandruff is destroying your hair. Dandruff varies in form. Some shows on shoulders & collars and in flakes through the hair. That kind is dangerous, but not as much as the gummy kind that klings to the scalp, not giving evidence of its presence and destroying the hair slowly, but surely.

By using Ton-ic-ine Dandruff Remedy is the only sure way to eradicate all forms of dandruff. Used according to directions it will completely restore to your hair its lost vigor, luxuriousness and gloss. No more itching scalp, no more falling hair. It revitalizes the follicles and gives nature just what it demands - a chance to do its work unhampered. Sold by Barbers, Hair Dressing Parlors, and Druggists everywhere.