(719) 225-5357

Snyder's Champion Hair Restorer
Mary M. Snyder, of Creston, West Virginia, registered this brand name and the picture shown (probably of herself) as trademarks in 1890. She said she had been selling it since 1889. The following text was transcribed from the label that was included with the trademark petition.
Restores Gray Hair to it's natural color and natural vitality; it stimulates the enfeebled glands of the scalp into healthy action; arrests the falling of the hair and promotes its luxurient growth; renders it soft, youthful and glossy,; it will reinstate or cause the Hair to germinate or grow out on Bald Heads, but hair is often, but not always, restored; cures any eruption or breaking out on the scalp; guaranteed to contain no poison; it does not soil even white cambric.

Trademark #18325