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Helen Rose's Hair Composition
Helen Rose, of Milford Mass., registered a patent for a "IMPROVED COMPOSITION FOR PRESERVING AND CURING THE HAIR" in 1864 (Patent #42,311). The formula was as follows:
The ingredients of it are black tea, chloride of sodium, carbonate or, what is better, bicarbonate of potassa, and eau devieor French brandy, or their equivalents.

In making the composition, to one quart of boiling water two ounces of the tea are to be added, and the whole is to be suffered to stand for one hour or thereabout, the water in the meantime being kept at or about at a boiling temparature. Afterward add to the decoction two ounces of the chloride of sodium and two ounces of the bicarbonate of potassa; and, having thorougly dissolved them in the decoction, the solution is to be strained or filtered and to have one gill of eau de vie added to it.

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