(719) 225-5357

Riter's Cocoanut Cream
This was sold by the Riter Brothers' Drug Co. The bottle was sold on eBay in 2005. The seller added the following information:

The Riter Brothers Drug Company owned retail stores in Logan, Garland, and Smithfield Utah. They also had stores in Franklin, Preston, and Montpelier Idaho. The Logan store was located at 33 North Main St. They also did business as wholesale distributers throughout northern Utah, southern Idaho, and western Wyoming. The history of the company can be told in large part by tracing the career of Benjamin Franklin Riter (1859-1925). He was born in Salt Lake City in 1859. After studying chemistry at the University of Utah, Riter started work in 1876 as a Pharmacist for retail druggists Taggart & Sons in Salt Lake City. In 1878, he worked for George W. Hoyt in Cheyenne, Wyoming. In 1880, he formed a partnership with O. C. Ormsby and went into business in Logan Utah as Ormsby & Riter. The company filled an important niche as it was the only drug store between Ogden, Utah and Helena, Montana. In 1891 the Riter Brothers Drug Co. was incorporated in Logan. The Utah State Historical Society holds related records in the Franklin Riter Manuscript Collection.

1 Rectangular, est. 5", prescription top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing