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Prass' Amalysium Hair Restorative
Louis and Phillippina Prass, of New York City, registered a Patent for a "New and Improved Hair Restorative" in 1874 (Patent #148,139). They claimed that the compound
exerts a tonic and healthy influence upon the hair, softens the skin, and strengthens the roots of the hair, so that a more vigorous growth of the same is produced
The preparation was made by boiling equal amounts of plantain and tansy in water to produce a bitter extract, which was strained, and six parts were then mixed with one each of glycerine and alcohol. The mixture was then scented with oil of bergamot, or some other odiforous oil.

Later on in 1874, they registered the brand name "Amalysium" as a trademark. I've transcribed some of the text from the label/trademark below.
The best, purest, and most invigorating hair restorative known. It is a purely vegetable compound, restores the hair to its vigor. It prevents the hair from falling out, and cures baldness by stimulating the roots to renewed action.

Trademark #1,744