(719) 225-5357

Palmolive Shampoo
The entire line of Palmolive soaps were the products of the B.J. Johnson Soap Co. They started selling the line in 1898. The line was so successful that in 1916 they changed their company name to Pamlolive Co. As a result of these two events the bottles listed here can be dated between 1898 and 1916.

Fike had this bottle listed in his book, except he showed the one with the Toronto address added. That variant apparently was made by the Diamond Glass Co. after 1924. The bottle shown does not have that mark on the base (a diamond). Fike also said that the product was advertised in 1914 and as late as 1942.

See Colgate Co.

  Ad from 1922

1 Rectangular, 7", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "PALMOLIVE - SHAMPOO" back: "B. J. JOHNSON - SOAP CO. - MILWAUKEE - WIS. U.S.A."
2 Rectangular, 7", ring top, no panels, ABM, clear, front: "PALMOLIVE - SHAMPOO - B. J. JOHNSON - SOAP CO." back: "MILWAUKEE - WIS. U.S.A. - TORONTO, ONT - CANADA", bottle looks like #1 otherwise
Palmolive Shampoo (1)