(719) 225-5357

Marinello Tar Tonic
The was the product of the Marinello Co., with laboratories in Lacrosse, Wis., Chicago, and New York.

I love this little rear label (VIEW). Why would anyone want to use this after reading that? The name "Marinello" was registered as a trademark in 1912. They said they had been selling under that name since1901. I found an ad for Marinello products in the 1928 North American Almanac.

View front label

1 Rectangular, 5 5/8" with glass stopper, square top, no panels, BIM, cobalt blue, no embossing.
2 Fancy shape, 3 3/4", ring top, no panels, ABM, clear, base: "MARINELLO CO. - DESIGN PAT'D"
Marinello Tar Tonic (1)