(719) 225-5357

Macassarine Hair Tonic
Letitia C. Morris, of New York City, registered this brand name as a trademark in 1885. The label shown was included with the trademark petition. She claimed to have been selling the preparation since 1883. I noted on the label that it listed a Herman W. Atwood, from 848 Broadway in New York City, as the Proprietor. It may well be that he was the originator of the Tonic. The text from the label is transcribed below. Unfortunately, due to poor copy quality, there may be a couple of errors in my interpretation of the text.
It stimulates and strengthens the roots of the hair keeping the scalp clean and healthy. Positively nothing that will discolor the hair or injure the health. Free from any mineral substance. From its ???? for preserving and promoting the invariant growth of hair, and for baldness of long standing, If used according to directions .. in three months, a desirable result.

Trademark #12,517