(719) 225-5357

Lavona Hair Tonic
This was the product of the Tokalon Manufacturing Co. According to the label, they had offices in New York, Paris, and London. Most of these bottle come from England, so I assume that most of the business was done there.

The label tells the ingredients of the product as well as indicating that it cures headaches. Apparently, it was originally the prescription of a Dr. H.M. Smith. According to a pamphlet in the box it was a widely known recipe mixed up by druggists everywhere. It was 6 oz. Of bay rum, 2 oz. Of lavona de composee, and 1/2 dram of menthol crystals. It ended up being 25% alcohol.

(view label)

1 fancy shape, 6 5/8", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "LAVONA - HAIR TONIC"
2 Rectangular, 7 1/2" with metal stopper, ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing.
3 fancy shape, 6 5/8", ring top, no panels, BIM, aqua, front: "LAVONA - HAIR TONIC"
4 fancy shape, 4 1/2", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing
Hair Tonic (1)