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Howard's Hair Restorative
Michael Howard, of Virginia City, Nevada, registered a Patent for his "new and improved compound for restoring the hair" in 1865 (Patent #51,319). Two formulas were registered. The No. 1 was made by combining 1 gallon of rain water, 12 ounces of alcohol, 9 ounces of lac-sulphur, 2 ounces of salt, 1 ounce of aqua-ammonia, 1/2 ounce of spirits of camphor, and 25 drops of oil of rosemary.

The No. 2 was made by combining 2 gallons of rain water, 6 pounds of buds and leaves of nut pine (A.K.A. monterey pine), three pounds of pepper-grass, and three pounds of green mustard leaves & branches. The ingredients were boiled down to one gallon and strained. Then a mixture of four ounces of vegetable tar, four ounces ground mustard, and two ounces of salt was mixed separately, and added to the first mixture. When the whole mixture was cold, one quart of 95% alcohol was added, and it was ready for use.

  Ad from 1866 Morning Oregonian