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Fleming's Hair Tonic (Michael J.)
Micheal J. Fleming, of Portland, Oregon, registered a Patent for the preparation in 1897 (Patent #578,632). He said the preparation was intended to restore the hair upon the heads of persons who have become bald. The recipe for the preparation was approximately as follows: (1) in an earthen vessel full of water, place a piece of iron weighing several pounds, and allow it to sit for about a month; (2) take 1/2 pint of the [rusty] water, and add 1 pint of Jamaica rum and then one pint of hot melted bear's grease; (3) pour the preparation (while still hot), into an earthen jar, and, after shaking it well, place the jar in a vessel of boiling water for about six hours; (4) remove the earthen jar and allow it to cool; (5) shake the jar again, and place it into a vessel of cold water for 48 hours; (6) after an additional week, the preparation is ready to use.

The full patent is viewable at Google Patents at View Patent