(719) 225-5357

Empress Instantaneous Hair Color Restorer
In 1915, Emil Tausig, of New York, doing business under the firm name of "The Empress Manufacturing Co.," registered a picture Trade Mark shown for his preparations (Trademark #106,188). He said the brand had been sold by himself and his predecessor (Clemantina Tausig) since 1914.

I found the Empress Mfg Co. listed at 25 W. Houston Street in 1901. From 1903 through 1907, it was at 725 Broadway, and by 1908, it was at 104 E. 14th. In 1915, it was listed with the name of Emil Tausig, and was at 36 W. 20th. The business was always listed under "Hair Dyes." A 1912 ad in the American Hairdresser for this product, said it came in ten shades. The product was for sale in the 1922 Montgomery Ward's Catalog. Tausig was most likely the proprietor of Tausig's Imported Hair Color Restorer as well.

  Trademark #106,118

1 Oval, 4 1/4", square top, no panels, BIM, amber, front: "EMPRESS M'F'G CO'S - INSTANTANEOUS - HAIR COLOR RESTORER - NEW YORK, N. Y."
2 Oval, 5 3/4", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "EMPRESS M'F'G CO'S - INSTANTANEOUS - HAIR RESTORER - NEW YORK, N. Y." base: "Patented Jan 18, 1898"
3 Oval, 4 1/4", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "EMPRESS M'F'G CO'S - INSTANTANEOUS - HAIR COLOR RESTORER - NEW YORK, N. Y."
Empress Instantaneous
Hair Color Restorer (1)