(719) 225-5357

C. S. Emerson's American Hair Restorative
This product was advertised heavily in Ohio and Illinois in 1853 and 1854. At that time, C.E. Fisher was listed as the proprietor. In 1856, I found Charles S. Emerson was listed as a Chemist, and Conrad E. Fisher listed as a Patent Medicine Proprietor in Cleveland. According to the label on the bottle, the product was marketed by C. E. Fisher & Co., 57 Superior Street, Cleveland. The following year, Emerson was listed as a Wheelwright, and Fisher was not listed at all. They must have been in business a very short time, and this bottle has got to be extremely rare.

  Two labeled examples from Harmer Rooke catalogs
  Ad from a 1854 Defiance (Ohio) Democrat
  Ad from a 1854 Rossville (Ill.) Sentinel

1 Oval, 6 1/4", Double-ring Top, no panels, O.P., aqua, front: "C.S. EMERSON'S - AMERICAN HAIR - RESTORATIVE - CLEVELAND, OHIO - PRICE $1.00"
2 Oval, 6 1/4", Flared Lip, no panels, O.P., aqua, front: "C.S. EMERSON'S - AMERICAN HAIR - RESTORATIVE - CLEVELAND, OHIO - PRICE $1.00"
3 Oval, 6 1/4", Double-ring Top, no panels, I.P., aqua, front: "C.S. EMERSON'S - AMERICAN HAIR - RESTORATIVE - CLEVELAND, OHIO - PRICE $1.00"
4 Oval, 6 1/4", Flared Lip, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "C.S. EMERSON'S - AMERICAN HAIR - RESTORATIVE - CLEAVELAND, OHIO - PRICE $1.50"
Emerson's Bottle