(719) 225-5357

Cardinal Hair Tonic
Richard Hudnut, of New York City registered the word "CARDINAL" as a trademark for a hair tonic in 1912 (#88,087). He said he had been selling the brand since 1903.

Richard Hudnut started out as a Druggist in 1888, and before long started selling cosmetics. According to Fike, he sold out to Pfeiffer Chemical Co. in 1916. Fike also said that the products were still being sold in 1982 by Warner-Lampbert Co.

The bottle description below was described by several collectors as a Hair Tonic bottle, but I'm not really sure.

1 Rectangular, 5 7/8", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "RICHARD - HUDNUT - NEW YORK" (horizontal with R M monogram)