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Brownell's Hair Tonic
Julia M. Brownell, of Burlington, Vermont, registered this brand name as a trademark in 1891. She indicated that she had just started using the brand name earlier the same year. The picture shown was from the label which was included with the trademark petition. The plant is titled: "Maiden Hair Fern." The small text on the label read: "Purely Herb Preparation. Perfectly Harmless, No Dye. Grows Hair on Bald Heads. A Beautiful Hair Dressing. Soothes the Head, Cleanses the Scalp." On the actual product label it sais it was from the "Severance & Stewart Co" of Burlington Vermont and Chicago. The photos were provided by Doug Burr. His example had a glass crown stopper too.

  Back Label

1 Rectangular, 6 1/2", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing
Brownell Bottle