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Bearsch's Hair Restorative
Philip Bearsch, of Baltimore, Md., registered a Patent for his Hair Restorative in 1872 (Patent #129,310). He claimed it was a "highly effective as well as harmless and agreeable liquid preparation for the restoration and preservation of the hair." To make the concoction, he would do the following:
(1) boil 1/2 peck of roasted, sliced, white onions and 10 ounces of burdock root in 1 gallon of white rum for about an hour, and filter it when cool; (2) boil 1 pint of pine-tar with a gallon of water for about 15 minutes, when cooled, add this to the first mixture; (3) add 1 gallon of alcohol, 2 ounces of cajeput oil, 1 ounce of rosemary oil, 2 ounces of bergamot oil, 1 ounce of spirits of ammonia, 6 drams of tincture of opium, and 6 drams of tincture of castoreum; (4) add 2 more gallons of white rum and 1 pound of glycerine.
I found Philip Bearsch listed as a Barber in Baltimore in 1871. He was not listed in 1882.