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Amole Hair Dressing
Mrs Fannie Kronig Jones, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, registered the word "Amole" as a Trademark for a "Hair Dressing" in 1901. The picture of the long haired Mexican woman was said to be "essential to the trademark." She had been selling the product since 1900.

According to Devner, the Aztec Laboratory was in business around 1892, I do not know the relationship between Mrs Jones and the Aztec Laboratory. The "Amole" plant was well known for the detergent qualities of its root. Many other products were produced using this "soap root' as an ingredient. William Bogle, of Boston, was selling an "Amole Shaving Cream" at least as early as 1856 (see Bogle).

This bottle picture was contributed by Tino Romero (view).

1 Rectangular, 5", unknown top, unknown panels, BIM, clear, front: "AMOLE - HAIR - DRESSING (ALCo monogram) - AZTEC - LABORATORY - COMPANY - MANUFACTURERS - SANTA FE - N.M."
Trademark #35884